
  • 主题:TOEFL Speaking Task 3
    本期英语角介绍了口语Task 3的基本形式和答题方法和模版,大家一起做了3道真题,充分练习了答题技巧,收获满满!
    About Task 3:

    • First, you have 45 seconds to read a short (about 100 words) article on an academic topic.
    • Next, you hear a short lecture (1-2 minutes) about the same topic. The lecture will explain the topic using one or two examples.
    • Finally, you must summarize the reading and lecture. You are given 30 seconds to prepare, and 60 seconds to speak.

    Answer Templates

    • State the term or idea from the reading (15 seconds)
      The reading is about CONCEPT.
      This is…
    • Transition (5 seconds)
      “The professor elaborates on this.
    • State the first example (20 seconds)
      “First, he explains…
    • State the second example (20 seconds)
      “Second, he notes that…

    Note-Taking Strategies

    • Set up your page into two columns, with the reading on the right and the lecture on the left.
    • Note the title of the reading, and get two or three main points as you read.
    • Focus on the specific examples when you take notes from the lecture.
    • Once the lecture is finished, immediately add missing details from your memory,
    • Clearly label the examples as #1 and #2 so you don’t mix them up.

