2023.10.12 英语角

  • 本次英语角参与成员: 庞可 王逸菲 闫思静 金可涵 王天玺 杨祖怡
    本次英语角内容: 托福改革后题型分析和口语task1练习
    作为十一假期之后的第一次,也是本学期第一次英语角, 大家圆满完成了原定的目标,是一个好的开头!
    Task 1

    1. Statement
       I agree with the idea that
       I think it’s better to
       I think it’s a great/terrible idea that
    2. Transition to the details
       I feel this way for 2 reasons
    3. Support your point
      Cuz First For example
      Second to be specific

    Task 2
    Campus building: library, housing, cafeteria
    Change to class: schedule, availability, new class
    Transportation: bus service, parking
     According to the announcement/article/letter
     This is because___ and___
     The man/woman does not support this change/support this change/has a mixed feeling about this change
     The woman opposes this
     To begin with, he/she points out that they will still have to maintain the building even if the fitness centre closes because it could become a dangerous fire hazard. On top of that, it will be expensive to tear down the building and replace it with something else.
     Moreover, he/she argues that all of the gyms in the city are quite far from the university, so it could be hard
    As a result, consequently, moreover, therefore, accordingly

    Task 3
     According to the reading, CONCEPT is xxx
     The professor elaborates on this
     First, he explains. He says
     Next, he explains

    Task 4
    The professor describes two methods for… to
    The first way is sth/ to do a. For instance…
    The second way is
